**Profile [#v7748a82] -Troll -Hunter **今やっているクエスト [#vac9d4b5] ***Ashenvale [#v96455fc] -Ashenvale Outrunners -Stonetalon Standstill -Satyr Horns -Prove Your Worth ***Hillsbrad Foothills [#n3d610d6] -Elixir of Pain ***Silverpine Forest [#a04d6d89] -The Dead Fields -A Recipe For Death -Ambermill Investigations -Deathstakers in Shadowfang -Arugal Must Die ***Stonetalon Mountains [#qdac5b6d] -Arachnophobia -Super Reaper 6000 -Cycle of Rebirth -Shredding Machines -Trouble in the Deeps -Jin'Zil's Forest Magic -Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle -Calling in the Reserves -The Den ***The Barrens [#k08c4c5d] -Blueleaf Tubers ***Thunder Bluff [#z72c9183] -The Sacred Flame -Steelsnap ***Undercity [#z42c8986] -The Book of Ur ***Wailing Caverns [#lb912473] -Leaders of the Fang **終わったクエスト [#v7b35407] -The Guns of Northwatch -Egg Hunt -Journey to Tarren Mill -Prove Your Worth -Ambermill Investigations -Super Reaper 6000 -Cycle of Rebirth -Shredding Machines